REVIEW: Rosie Lowe – Right Thing EP

Rosie Lowe - Right Thing EP

On her newly released EP entitled Right Thing, the London based artist Rosie Lowe melds pulsing base lines with cutting vocals. Her voice uniquely ties together the airy synths with hints of strong dub breaks to create an unreal atmosphere, evident in the song “Me & Your Ghost”.

“10k Balloons” is another song that strikingly shows Lowe’s talent of narrating a mood while delicately adding small pops of unexpected sounds. For me, this is one of her strongest tracks. The tune “Games” has a bubblier attitude balancing out the darker melodies within Right Thing.

This EP, released by 37 Adventures is consistent yet each song holds its own ode to her charm and perspective.  You really get a sense of the classic story of heartbreak in reference to her lyrics and feeling of emptiness, but her message is direct, strong and refreshingly real. She has a sense of aesthetic in terms of sound and image and the sultry weight of her voice alongside the bluesy vibes is reminiscent of the singer Lykke Li especially after hearing “Me & Your Ghost”.

Having four tracks on this EP, it really holds its own ground in overall presentation and aesthetic. I walk away with a good idea of Lowe as a musician however the sound was often vaguely similar throughout the entire EP and became slightly repetitive. Yet, the production is clean and works around her voice without drowning it- leaving space to breathe. “Games” was the song that really stood out to me because it really showcased Lowe’s raspy soulful voice and the track was left simple and raw.

Top track(s): 10k Balloons,Games

EP Rating: 3stars

To hear the full EP, press play below.

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