Lookalikes Will Ferrell & Chad Smith Set To Face Off In Drum Battle


Red Hot Chili Pepper drummer Chad Smith and comedian Will Ferrell have been considered as lookalikes for a while now.

In an interview with the Rolling Stone, Smith said: “[I] was at the premiere of [the film] Ladies Man [in 2000]. I’m looking at Will and thinking, ‘People really think I look like him? I don’t f**king look like that.’ [Will] looks me up and down and says, ‘You’re very handsome,’ and walks away.”

It seems that Chad Smith has had enough with this comparison and wants to settle things. Therefore, last week the drummer took to Instagram and posted  a video challenging Ferrell to a drum battle which Ferrell has willingly accepted.

The future contest will reportedly be arranged to raise funds for the charity Cancer For College, which provides university scholarships to cancer survivors, after they both raise around $300,000.

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